Rowan Catholic Schedule


Spring 2025 Weekly Faith Opportunities, Fellowship Opportunities and Ministries:

Sunday Mass: Masses are held at St. Bridget’s University Parish 125 Church St. Glassboro. Vigil Mass Saturdays 4:30pm and Sunday morning Masses are 9am or 11am.

Daily Mass: Masses are held Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 9am at St. Bridget’s University Parish 125 Church St. Glassboro.

Sacrament of Penance: Saturdays from 3:30-4pm at St. Bridget Church

Daily Community Rosary: Prayed in the Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati Chapel in the Newman House on Monday at 12:30pm, Tuesdays at 2pm, Wednesday at 3pm and Thursdays the rosary will be prayed during a Holy Hour from 2-3pm.

Monday Mass & breakfast: We meet for 9am daily Mass on Mondays at St. Bridget’s University Parish, followed by breakfast & fellowship at Ry’s Bagels on campus at 9:45am.

OCIA Class (formerly RCIA Class): Class for Rowan students on Tuesdays from 5-6pm (beginning on January 22nd) at the Newman House. Alternate class on Sundays from 10-11am for students and parishioners in St. Bridget’s Church Hall/basement.

Rosary Discussion Group: 2nd & 4th Tuesdays from 6:30-7:15pm

Women’s Ministry: Tuesdays from 7:30pm to 8:45pm at the Newman House.

Music Ministry: Practice on Wednesdays from 5-5:45pm at St. Bridget’s Church.

Newman Night: Wednesdays dinner at 6pm, meeting at 7pm. (See detailed weekly schedule below).

Pro-Life Ministry: 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month from 4-5pm at the Newman House. Pro-Life service Opportunity weeks will be 4-7pm at various locations.

Apologetics Group: 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month from 6-7pm at the Newman House.

Men’s Ministry: Thursdays 7:30-9:00pm at the Newman House.

Bible study: Fridays from 3-4pm at the Newman House.

Spring 2025
Wednesday Newman nights, Special Events and Service Opportunities Schedule:

We start back up on Wednesday, January 22nd: Dinner at 6pm at the Newman House followed by a “Faith & Science” talk by Dr. Stephen Barr in the Student Center Ballroom.

In this talk, Prof. Barr will show that claims of a conflict between science and faith are based on common misconceptions about Christian belief, about history, and about the discoveries of modern science and what they really imply. After explaining the theological misconceptions, he will tell the story of the tremendously positive role played by the Church and by Catholic scientists in the progress of science down the centuries. Finally, he will discuss several major scientific discoveries of the 20th century and how they are more in line with the traditional Jewish and Christian ideas than with atheist philosophy.

Friday, January 24th: March for Life in Washington, DC. Meet at 7:30am prompt at Mary Mother of Mercy Parish 500 Greentree Rd, Glassboro, NJ 08028. Please pack breakfast & lunch and bring money for a dinner stop. Limited to 15 students. Please give Kari $10 to hold your spot (this will cover the driver’s tip). First come first serve basis availability! We will be home around 9pm. Please note: Kari can write a note for your professors if you have class on Fridays.

Monday, January 27th: Service Opportunity to lead a Bible Study for the residence of Summit Place Nursing Home (from 11am-12pm). Meet at the Newman House at 10:45am and we will be back by 12:15pm.

Wednesday, January 29th: Dinner at 6pm at the Newman House followed by our intro meeting to our “YOUniversity” series.

Who am I? Everyone asks that question, no matter their age or social status. If we truly are supposed to love others as we love ourselves, shouldn’t that start with better understanding ourselves and how we are wired? Absolutely! 

Join us for a new series all about YOU as we learn about who we are as individuals and how self-discovery can improve every part of our lives.  We will explore nine basic personality types or patterns in human behavior in light of God’s Word to grow in virtue and overcome vice.

Thursday, January 30th: Service Opportunity at St. Michael’s School for our “Big Brother’s Big Sisters in Faith” Club meeting. Meet at Newman at 2:45pm or directly at St. Michael’s School at 3pm. We will be back by 4:15pm.

Saturday, February 1st: We will meet at St. Bridget’s Church for 4:30pm Vigil Mass for Sunday and also celebrating the feast day of our patron, St. Bridget. This will also be a special Mass to bless the Catechumens who are in our OCIA program. Following Mass we will have an Irish themed dinner in the parish hall.

Wednesday, February 5th: Dinner at 6pm at the Newman House followed by part 1 of our YOUniversity Series.

Friday, February 7-9th: Our Spring Semester Retreat at Villa Maria by the Sea in Stoneharbor, NJ for those signed up.

Fr. John Fisher, OSFS will present on Saint Francis De Sales' “Introduction to the Devout Life”. Those signed up for the retreat, please meet at the Newman House at 4pm on Friday, we will have pizza for dinner and then we will car pool to the retreat center. We will be back Sunday afternoon.

Monday, February 10th: Service Opportunity to lead a Bible Study for the residence of Summit Place Nursing Home (from 11am-12pm). Meet at the Newman House at 10:45am and we will be back by 12:15pm.

Wednesday, February 12th: Dinner at 6pm at the Newman House followed by part 2 of our YOUniversity Series.

Thursday, February 13th: Service Opportunity at the Ronald McDonald House in Camden. We will make a pasta & meatball dinner meal for the children & families staying at the Ronald McDonald house, followed by a social time of crafts & fun! Meet at Newman at 3:30 and we will be home around 8:30pm. (7 student spaces available. Please sign up with Kari to attend.)

Monday, February 17th: Service Opportunity at the CFR Sisters’ St. Joseph Winter Shelter. We will meet at Newman at 5pm to head out. We will need 2 volunteers  to help with the intake of the guests at the shelter and 2 volunteers committed to be in St. Michael's church to pray and intercede for the shelter and to lead the rosary for the shelter guests who want to come. Meet at Newman at 5pm and we will be back around 9pm.

Wednesday, February 19th: Dinner at 6pm at the Newman House followed by part 3 of our YOUniversity Series.

Friday, February 21st: Ski/Snowboarding is for those who have skied/boarded before (it is not recommended for those who are “trying out skiing/snowboarding).

Lift Tickets are $79 reduced to $30 and rentals are $69. Aquatopia indoor waterpark is $99 for the day reduced to $50. We have to pre-purchase the tickets online before leaving. Please sign up with Kari by February 19th.

Monday, February 24th: Service Opportunity to lead a Bible Study for the residence of Summit Place Nursing Home (from 11am-12pm). Meet at the Newman House at 10:45am and we will be back by 12:15pm.

Wednesday, February 26th: Dinner at 6pm at the Newman House followed by Praise & Worship Holy Hour at St. Bridget Church from 7-8pm.

Thursday, February 27th: Service Opportunity at St. Michael’s School for our “Big Brother’s Big Sisters in Faith” Club meeting. Meet at Newman at 2:45pm or directly at St. Michael’s School at 3pm. We will be back by 4:15pm.

Friday, February 28th: Newman House Get together at University of Delaware in the evening. More details coming soon.

Monday, March 3rd: Service opportunity serving the guests at Joseph’s House dinner. Meet at Newman at  7:30 and we will be home around 10:30pm. Sign up

Wednesday, March 5th (Ash Wednesday): We will have a simple soup dinner at 6pm at The Newman House. Then we will head over to St. Bridget’s for 6:45pm for Ash Wednesday prayer service at 7pm.

Saturday, March 8th: Service opportunity volunteering at Funny Farm Animal Rescue (from 10am-12pm). We will help clean up the grounds and help with the various tasks serving the animals. Meet at Newman at 9:15am. We will be back around 12:30pm

Monday, March 10th: Service Opportunity to lead a Bible Study for the residence of Summit Place Nursing Home (from 11am-12pm). Meet at the Newman House at 10:45am and we will be back by 12:15pm.

Wednesday, March 12th: Dinner at 6pm at the Newman House. Followed by Taizé prayer around the cross in St. Bridget Church.

Sunday, March 16th: Coffee & Donut Sunday from 10-11am on the Parish Porch.

(Spring Break March 17th-21st. No Ministries or Meetings.)

Saturday, March 22nd: First Scrutiny Mass at 4:30pm for our RCIA Catechumens and their sponsors. Please attend in support of the Catechumens.

Monday, March 24th: Eboard Applications for 2024-2025 will be due to Kari.

Also Service Opportunity to lead a Bible Study for the residence of Summit Place Nursing Home (from 11am-12pm). Meet at the Newman House at 10:45am and we will be back by 12:15pm.

Wednesday, March 26th: Meet at Newman at 6pm for dinner. Followed by a video & discussion on Servant of God Fr. Bill Atkinson.

Thursday, March 27th: Service Opportunity at St. Michael’s School for our “Big Brother’s Big Sisters in Faith” Club meeting. Meet at Newman at 2:45pm or directly at St. Michael’s School at 3pm. We will be back by 4:15pm.

Friday, March 28th: All day Lenten Pilgrimage to Villanova University. We will visit the tomb of Servant of God Bill Atkinson and have a tour of the Campus.

Sunday March 30th: Second Scrutiny Mass at 9:00am for our OCIA Catechumens and their sponsors. Please attend in support of the Catechumens.

Tuesday, April 1st: Service Opportunity at the Ronald McDonald House in Camden. We will make a pasta & meatball dinner meal for the children & families staying at the Ronald McDonald house, followed by a social time of crafts & fun! Meet at Newman at 3:30 and we will be home around 8:30pm. (7 student spaces available. Please sign up with Kari to attend.)

Wednesday, April 2nd: Dinner at 6pm at the Newman House. Followed by a Vocations talk led by Fr. Thomas Lanza, the Vocations Director of the Diocese of Metuchen and Sr. Stacie Marie Gagnon of the Franciscan Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Sunday, April 6th: Coffee & Donut Sunday from 10-11am on the Parish Porch.

Also the Third Scrutiny Mass at 11:00am for our OCIA Catechumens and their sponsors. Please attend in support of the Catechumens.

Monday, April 7th: Service Opportunity to lead a Bible Study for the residence of Summit Place Nursing Home (from 11am-12pm). Meet at the Newman House at 10:45am and we will be back by 12:15pm.

Wednesday, April 9th: Snacks 4:45-5:45pm. Followed Lenten Praise & Worship with Confessions 6-7pm (no dinner).

Thursday, April 10th: Service Opportunity with St. Michael’s School for our “Big Brother’s Big Sisters in Faith” Club. The meeting will be held at the Newman House from 3-4pm.

Tuesday, April 15th: (Tuesday of Holy Week): Camden Diocese Chrism Mass with Bishop Williams. Time & details coming.

Wednesday, April 16th: (Wednesday of Holy Week) We will have a simple dinner meal at Newman at 6pm, followed by candlelight Stations of the Cross outdoors, around campus at 7pm

Thursday, April 17th, Holy Thursday: 7pm Mass for Holy Thursday at St. Bridget’s Church, Kari will lead those who would like to pray at the 7 local Churches after the Holy Thursday Mass at St. Bridget’s. These seven visits represent the final seven places or “stations” Jesus journeyed, from his arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane on Holy Thursday to his crucifixion and death on Good Friday.

In each church, we will kneel at the “altar of repose” to pray and meditate for about 10 minutes. We will finish up around 11pm. (Church order is St. Bridget’s Church, Mary Mother of Mercy Parish/Lourdes, Church of the Holy Family, Sts. Peter and Paul Church, St. Charles Borromeo Church, Our Lady of Peace Parish and Mater Ecclesiae)

Friday, April 18th, Good Friday: 3pm Service for Good Friday of the Lord’s Passion at St. Bridget’s Church. Followed by viewing the “Passion of the Christ” at Newman (approximately at 4:30pm).

Also on Friday, April 18th: OCIA Easter Vigil Rehearsal at 7pm in the Church.

Saturday, April 19th Holy Saturday: 8pm Easter Vigil Mass. Come to witness our OCIA students receive their sacraments. Also join us after Mass at the Newman House for a light reception for those newly received into the Church.

Wednesday, April 23rd: Rowan Catholic Formal and senior dinner from 6-9pm in St. Bridget’s Church Hall. Please dress up in formal attire (dresses & suits). We will give glory to God for another school year, have a formal dinner, honor our seniors and dance the night away!

Thursday, April 24th: Service opportunity serving the guests at Joseph’s House dinner. Meet at Newman at  7:30 and we will be home around 10:30pm. Sign up with Kari.

Wednesday, April 30th: NO Meeting.

Friday, May 2nd: The Newman House will be open all day upstairs for studying, our Chapel for prayer. Time TBD.

Sunday, May 4th: Coffee & Donut Sunday from 10-11am on the Parish Porch.

Saturday, May 10th: We invite all graduates (undergrad & graduate students) to attend the  Baccalaureate Mass at St. Bridget University Parish at 4:30pm in the Church located at 125 Church St. Glassboro, NJ. All graduates please wear your gown and bring your cap to the Mass. Family & friends are encouraged to attend with you.