The Newman House Rowan Catholic Campus Ministry is located at 1 Redmond Ave. Glassboro (behind Chickie’s & Pete’s and the Whitney Center)
The Newman Club Catholic Campus Ministry is a SGA chartered club on campus which meets at our Newman House. Our regular meetings & ministries listed below will start back up in September 2024!
Newman Night: Our main event of the week! Join us every Wednesday night during the fall semester at 6pm for a free dinner and social hour, followed by prayer & meeting at 7pm.
Daily Community Rosary: in the Frassati Chapel Mondays/Tuesdays/Wednesdays: time TBD.
Rosary & Adoration: Thursdays: time TBD.
Sunday Mass (year round): Masses are held at St. Bridget’s University Parish 125 Church St. Glassboro. Vigil Mass Saturdays 4:30pm and Sunday morning Masses are 9am or 11am.
Monday Mass & breakfast: We meet for 9am daily Mass on Mondays at St. Bridget’s University Parish, followed by breakfast & fellowship at Ry’s Bagels on campus at 9:45am.
RCIA Classes: Tuesday’s from 5-6pm at the Newman House.
Retreats once a semester: Our Fall retreat date is November 22-23, 2024 at St. Mary’s of Providence in Elverson, PA.
Service Opportunities: Scheduled throughout the semester at various places.
Student-Led Ministries: Bible Study, Men’s & Woman Ministries, Apologetics Ministry and Pro-Life Ministry.
Please check out our summer schedule here: www.stbridgetup.org/schedule
For details, email Our Campus Minister, Kari Janisse at youthministerkari@gmail.com for additional details about Rowan Catholic!
We have a Group Me for current Rowan students to join for day to day conversations, prayer requests and other details, if you would like to join: https://groupme.com/join_group/53162044/cpDOebUA
We also have a REMIND text reminders.
Sign up here: